
Cycle 16 (February - July 2024)

Sustainable banking

During this project, AGREEn team was trying to find out more about sustainable financing and banks. The researched material was put into a report that was provided to the University Council members. This way they can make a more informed decision about the renewal of current contracts.

Hortus Nijmegen


This cycle, AGREEn helped employees of the Hortus to learn more about sustainability and biodiversity. Thesenew gained insights are essential for their work as they can feel confident in handing over their knowledge to visitors of the Hortus. 

ReFixe 4.0

Building on the projects from previous cycles, AGREEn and Refixe are continuing their work with fashion upcycling workshops. During this cycle, it was attempted to create a network of people who would continue with the upcycling workshops. To this end, collaboration with the Radboud student  church was continued.

Cycle 15 (September - December 2023)

Effective Altruism

Together with Effective Altruism, AGREEn was working on finding new ways of "effectively arguing for plant-based diets". In essence, the goal is to promote a reduction of animal product consumption while at the same time avoiding alienating consumers or producers.

Veggie India

During this project, AGREEn was trying to find solutions for the restaurant Veggie India in regards to replacing plastic packaging with more environmentally friendly options. Next to the sustainability aspect, another important goal was to find a packaging solution that does not lead to increased expenses for the restaurant. Sustainable solutions have to be affordable for businesses to incentivize transitions. The final report can be found in the Newsroom.

ReFixe 3.0

Building on the projects from cycles 12 and 14, AGREEn and Refixe are continuing their work with fashion upcycling workshops. Previously a prototype workshop and a handbook were created. During this cycle, it was attempted to expand the workshop concept onto a larger scale. To this end, collaborations with the Radboud student  church and the Hobbycentrum Nonnendaal were initiated.

Cycle 14 (February - June 2023)

Gelukkige Groentes

Gelukkige Groentes is a communal farm where people come together to plant and harvest seasonal fruits and vegetables themselves. In this project, together with AGREEn, the aim was to design an educational program focused on primary schools that could be used to teach kids about gardening and where their food actually comes from in an attempt to reduce the disconnect of modern societies with nature. Additionally, a handbook for excursions to the Gelukkige Groentes farm for school classes was created.

ReFixe 2.0

This project expanded on the ideas of the upcycling workshops created together with ReFixe in cycle 12. A handbook was written as a guideline on how to create fashion upcycling workshops, including background information on fashion waste and EU policies, a step-by-step guide for organizing the workshop, and multiple different upcycling ideas. The handbook can be found in the newsroom.

Cycle 13 (September - December 2022)


Tati is a vegan restaurant in Nijmegen Oost that has set out with the goal to become even more sustainable. For this project, AGREEn is aiming to first get to know the customers of Tati better to understand their motivations and opinions and then create a report on the best ways Tati can become more sustainable and improve customer satisfaction at the same time.

Hobbycentrum Oost

At Hobbycentrum Nijmegen - Oost people can explore new activities, learn new skills and find inspiration by following many different kinds of workshops. To utilize some of the waste materials that are unavoidable, AGREEn set up its own workshop to upcycle those materials. With members of AGREEn and the Hobbycentrum guiding the participants, new life was brought into old products in the form of mood boards.

Butterfly Upcycling

At the Butterfly Upcycling foundation, waste items and materials of many different businesses are used to create new value in creative new products. AGREEn is helping Stichting Butterfly Upcycling in improving its supply chain and finding new partners to source materials from.

Radboud Young Academy

To assist with the research and advice given by Radboud Young Academy, AGREEn looked into the use of cluster nodes (supercomputers) at Radboud University. An interview was conducted to gain more inside into how the users of the cluster nodes take sustainability into account. Based on this, a report was written on how the university can improve.

Cycle 12 (February - June 2022)


Glowfarms specialises in vertical farming, which is a sustainable way of agriculture that saves land. For the project, the committee looked at how Glowfarms could use the land that they saved, to make their green impact even bigger. They came up with multiple ways to reforestate this land, either by hiring a company to do this or by creating a tiny forest. The main advice is to keep the reforestation project within The Netherlands because this way it’s easier to keep an eye on how the project is going. 


The AGREEn committee focused on organising a seminar about the future of farming and agriculture. The seminar was organised as part of the Radboud Impact Festival, where multiple speakers were invited to discuss their viewpoints. We also organised activities for the members, such as potlucks, hikes and workshops and the committee took part in a conference discussing sustainability 
and student life.

ReFixe 1.0

Together with ReFixe and Stichting Overal, The fashion project group organised upcycling workshops to work on the issue of excessive clothing ending up in landfills. During the workshops a local designer Janneke from Hobbycentrum Nijmegen-Oost helped customising second-hand clothing into unique tote bags. Four workshops were hosted, where people without previous sewing skills gained some fulfilling experience. All the participants had a great time at the workshops and look forward to doing this again!

Cycle 11 (September - December 2021)

Municipality of Nijmegen

The city Nijmegen aims to be energy neutral by 2045. To achieve this, work is to be done in the housing sector. To make houses efficient and gas-free, saving energy and reducing energy loss is vital. Students are one target group, and the team in this project aims to gain insight into student’s stance on energy saving measures, to help the municipality build a webinar specifically aimed at increasing the motivation and know-how of students and to recruit student energy coaches.


After five years AGREEn, of which one and a half year were overshadowed by COVID-19, it was time for some internal reflection. As never seen before at AGREEn, we introduced the committee concept: Organising fun activities for (non)members), upgrading our social media and outreach, ánd organising a seminar on the future of agriculture. The goal: Use and broaden the potential that is in AGREEn for a more sustainable world.

Cycle 10 (February - June 2021)

Climate Cleanup

'What is your 2040?' 2040 is the documentary movie which integrates the ideas of Project Drawdown and Doughnut Economics. Climate Cleanup wants to spread the movie’s message and existing, proven climate solutions created by Drawdown. The project focuses on education and aims to create support for the implementation of climate actions in the schools. 

Mobilisation for the Environment

Mobilisation for the Environment is an environmental organization focusing on climate change and biodiversity. MOB is working currently on halving nitrogen emissions from all sources. AGREEn is going to support MOB working on this issue. There are two topics of the projects, dependent on AGREEners interests: aviation or agriculture. Both of them focus on working with nitrogen policy and biodiversity in the Netherlands. The key component of the research will be analysing texts, gathering data and information on the topics. This project will be in Dutch.

Radboud University

Biodiversity loss and climate change are some of the biggest challenges of our time. Radboud University is also looking into ways to mitigate these problems. One of the solutions will be to plant a Tiny Forest. The project more or less consists of two parts. On the one hand we will be monitoring the biodiversity in the Tiny Forest. On the other hand there is a more creative side to the project. The University would like to make people, especially employees and students on campus, more aware of nature and their relationship to nature. We’ll do that by coming up with a creative exhibition on campus. 

Cycle 9 (September - December 2020)


Greener shows people how to really do something to contribute to a greener world. From green travel to outreach, going plant-based, solar panels and even zero-energy living. The Greener App is packed with in-depth information, displayed in an easily digestible manner. AGREEn has given feedback on various aspects during the testing phase of the App and researched how the Greener App can become a success when launched. 


Treemendo is a start-up - soon to be non-profit - founded by two former AGREEners. Their goal is to plant as many trees as possible to make the world a greener place, but also to connect people to nature by making sure people are updated about the state of the forest they helped plant. After having planted forests in Scotland, Kenia and England, the next forest is to be planted right here in the Netherlands. The AGREEn project group mission spread the word about this project, find potential tree buyers and to put the Treemendo message into educational social media posts.

Cycle 8 (February - June 2020)

Gemeente Mook en Middelaar

The municipality of Mook and Middelaar is looking for new ways of becoming more sustainable. Their focus is now on generating electricity through water. There are two ways of doing this: one by using riothermia or the use of hydroelectricity.
But setting up such a project from scratch might be difficult. What are the economic and legal implications of setting up such a project? AGREEn worked on this project of RVN@ with Lentekracht.

TAPP Coalitie

The TAPP Coalition wants to make the production and consumption of animal protein products more sustainable by a fair price for these products. AGREEn investigated among various stakeholders the opinions, ideas, possibilities and willingness to change around the fair meat price. Furthermore, AGREEn looked into the question, which European stakeholders are there to work together at EU level as the TAPP Coalition is already doing in the Netherlands with partners in the areas of food, agriculture, health, animal welfare, environment and nature.

Studio Birthplace

Studio Birthplace is a studio with three filmmakers that make videos that are conscious about the state of ‘our Birthplace’: the earth. They want to raise environmental awareness around the world. The aim of the AGREEn project is to do a data research for two projects of Studio Birthplace. 

RES Arnhem-Nijmegen

The 'Regionale Energie Strategie' Arnhem-Nijmegen works on a strategy for the energy transition of the 16 municipalities. The Netherlands should have 50 per cent renewables in 2030 and a 100 percent in 2050. This requires a long term collaboration between the stakeholders of the RES Arnhem-Nijmegen. They want to involve the youth, since it is our future. The project exists of the current participation of the youth in the process of the RES Arnhem-Nijmegen and research on how the youth can be involved in the second phase of the process of the RES after June 2020.

Cycle 7 (September - December 2019)


In collaboration with researchers from the Radboud University, AGREEn has worked on a project about biodiversity on the campus of the university. The project team contributed to the research by various activities. They analysed for example insect species.

Green Cross NL

Green Cross is an organisation that raises environmental awareness and connects various stakeholders to work towards a more sustainable future. Through their mission, Green Cross wants to reduce academic flying. AGREEn did research on the possibilities to reduce academic flying and the different platforms to host a big conference. 


Hubert is a cultural breeding ground for everyone on an industrial terrain in Hazenkamp, Nijmegen. They wanted to start a food forest on the terrain and asked AGREEn for their help to do research. AGREEn researched the possibilities of starting a community and a food forest. The ground is unfortunately polluted, but there are still possibilities for a vegetable garden in wooden trays on the terrain. 


Together with student housing corporation SSH&, waste company DAR and consultancy Lentekracht, AGREEn has worked on a solution for household waste in the building of Hoogeveldt. Various stakeholder consultations were held to map the needs of the residents. The solution existed of stickers and posters with information and green waste bins, to create possibilities and knowledge in the student housing on waste separation.  


Daan Schraven from Nijmegen is the founder of 'Schrav', a sustainable brand that wants to change the fashion industry. In collaboration with Schrav, AGREEn organised the event 'Fashion For People' at Hubert. Someone from the Yalla Foundation spoke about his experiences of working in the fast fashion industry. There was a fundraiser for this foundation in combination with music and drinks. 

Seminar 2.0

After the successful seminar of May 2018, AGREEn organised a second seminar. The theme of the seminar was 'No Time To Waste'. Tijmen Sissing (Trashpackers), Sil van der Woerd (Studio Birthplace), Nila Patty (Nonanoplastic) and Eric Logtens (ECOR) gave interesting talks about their experiences. 

Cycle 6 (February - June 2019)



In the spring of 2019, Drift asked AGREEn to look into making their catering more sustainable for the Drift Festival 2019. AGREEn has investigated how the food trucks can contribute and what the visitors of Drift, the final consumers, find sustainable with regards to Drift. Potential visitors to Drift Festival were approached to complete a survey which resulted in 298 respondents. In addition, the food truck owners were interviewed at Drift Festival 2019. By combining these results and sources we have compiled a sustainability advice for the food trucks, a concept landing page for sustainability communication and a list with various innovative ideas for festivals. 

Gemeente Nijmegen

The municipality of Nijmegen has asked AGREEn to do research on how the nuisance during the introduction of the Radboud University and the HAN University of Applied Sciences can be reduced for the residents of the city center of Nijmegen. Especially the plastic waste in the streets fed the complaints from the residents. AGREEn has come up with - at one hand - a communication plan for the organisations that are involved in both introductions and - at the other hand - a plan to reduce the plastic waste by introducing reusable cups instead of the disposable ones that are now used.

Talis 2.0

In the previous project with Talis (cycle 5), AGREEn researched how renovation can be approached in a way that is in line with the circular economy principles. In this project, the team looked more specifically at the materials that come out of and go into the renovation process, which parties are involved and which parties are willing to cooperate. 

Gemeente Berg & Dal 2.0

After researching the motivation and resources of Millingen aan de Rijn citizens, this project aimed to improve the way the municipality communicates with its citizens about sustainability. The project group gave advice on how to increase trust in the city as a source of sustainable reporting, on structured and reliable communications about sustainability that inspires behavioral change in citizens. 

Cycle 5 (September - December 2018)


A team of AGREEn'ers worked with Stichting Milieu Educatie (SME) to develop a roadmap for labelling the Radboud University as the first Green Campus in the Netherlands. In order to get the Green Flag, a certain amount of progress had to be made in 2018 within a faculty of choice. Radboud University has chosen the Nijmegen School of Management to be the first place of action. The team started with getting insight in the status quo. They shared a report of the status quo with the Radboud University. After this, they appointed three themes to focus on: mobility, waste and biodiversity/green in and around the building). Eventually there had to be made a significant improvement that could be shown to the auditing team of SME. During the year 2018, in October, the EcoCampus Team received the bronze medal. After auditing for the silver medal, they received as feedback that the theme 'education' should also be significantly improved. After cycle 5, a part of the team carried on by talking to many stakeholders about sustainbility in the education of the Radboud University. The end result of the project of AGREEn was insight of the status quo, a lot of attention to the EcoCampus label and EcoCampus Teams in every faculty to work on getting the Green Flag of EcoSchools on every faculty.   

Gemeente Berg & Dal 1.0

This project consisted of a case study on sustainable citizenship in Millingen aan de Rijn. The aim was to shed a light on the motivation and resources that citizens of Millingen aan de Rijk have regarding sustainability. Moreover, reflecting on the current data, several initiatives were proposed to increase incentive of citizens to invest in sustainability. In the following project cycle (6), the cooperation with municipality Berg & Dal continued and focused on better communication with citizens regarding sustainability. 

Talis 1.0

For the project of housing company Talis and RVN@, AGREEn worked on the following question: How can Talis approach renovation in a circular fashion? To answer this question, the AGREEn team has focused on the complex the Voorstenkamp and mapped the current ingoing and outgoing materials. A few points were found out: In a smaller project, there would be one container for all the waste, and in a bigger project, there were various containers. This waste is collected by a waste processor, who accept mono materials, like wood, glas, plastics, concrete, but also mixed materials. Through rough pre-sorting more materials end op in a mono-stream. The rest goes into flammable, non recyclable waste, or to the next step, specialized mechanical sorting. These mono-materials can be used for new purposes, but often downgrade the value of the material that it had before. So, in this recycling a lot of value is lost, and that is also one of the points we came across, materials are cheap, and labor is expensive. The non mono-materials are going to the waste incinerator, to landfill or to specialized sorting center, which the materials can be reused. To find out more, Talis and AGREEn decided to work on 'Talis 2.0', an extra project in cycle 6.

Education 2.0

In this follow up education project, the aim was to implement a course on sustainability in (high) schools. The project group researched at schools what the school itself thought was missing in the curriculum, and worked on a syllabus on sustainability. 

Plastic market

During the project AGREEn dived into the plastic problem. They found it astonishing that the market of Nijmegen was full of plastic bags. So, they decided to work together with a few market stall owners to reduce plastic. A plan was made, reusable bags were ordered and to create more awareness also for market visitors, many conversations were held during the market on saturday. The end goal of the project was to create more awareness of the plastic problem, not only by visitors of the market but also by market stall owners. Next to creating awareness, the project introduced people to alternative ways of shopping to the market. 


RebelSpaces aimed to become a circular innovation hub within the ecosystem of Nijmegen. AGREEn researched the current state of the circular ecosystem in Nijmegen, what partners would be suitable for RebelSpaces, how to connect with these partners and how technology can support the circular ecosystem. 

Cycle 4 (February - June 2018)

Drift Verdiept

Good to know that prior to this project, AGREEn had a substantial share in making a sponsor deal with Alfen BV, who provided a battery to store solar energy direct from the Vasim roof. With this battery and the support of Slimstroomplan, Drift could power the whole festival with renewable energy. AGREEn was asked to organize an event that would reflects Drift's values. AGREEn'ers set up an small seminar where Alfen and Slimstroomplan provided the 40 visitors with technical information about the battery and the software needed to distribute the solar energy to the lights, soundsystems and catering activities. After the break where visitors could taste wasted food from Instock and insects from Jimminies, the two gentlemen from WasteTree told about their project and Instock informed the visitors about their mission and restaurants. Afterwards, management of Drift gave an exclusive premiere tour around the festival terrain and visitors were allowed to have look in the battery of Alfen. 

SSH& 2.0

After the project of cycle 3, student housing company SSH& wanted to do another project with AGREEn. This time, they wanted to know what the vision of students was on sustainable living. AGREEn conducted a survey under SSH& residents, partly based on an artikel of Reaves et al. (2016). After gathering the results of the survey, a lunch meeting was organised to brainstorm about various ideas. AGREEn used this brainstorm for the advisory report and wrote many recommendations that SSH& could implement.

AGREEn Seminar 1.0

Everybody gets 'a snapshot of AGREEn'. The sustainability seminar is set out to close the gap between sustainability, corporations and students. We introduce the newest sustainability trends, leading corporations and inspiring guest-speakers. The seminar will include lectures and workshops. During the AGREEn seminar students will be introduced to the practical decisions companies face while leading their organisations into a greener future.

Education 1.0

Education 1.0 was the follow up project of Think AGREEn. This project was a research on how to involve youngsters in sustainability through education. We answered three questions: 
1) What do students already know?
2) What is already available to teach children? 
3) What do students want to know? (And how can they be inspired?)
The project team worked together with teachers and carried out surveys.

Radboud Green Office

The Radboud University was one of the few universities that did not have a Green Office in the Netherlands in the beginning of the year 2018. AGREEn thought that this was very strange, especially since Nijmegen was European Green Capital of the year 2018 and sustainability is very important in the region. Until May 2018 AGREEn took responsibility to cluster and execute a lot of sustainability related activities for students. They thought it was time to get a Green Office on the university to make the campus more sustainable and also work on these sustainability events for students. AGREEn basically helped to set up the current 'Radboud Green Office' by talking to several stakeholders at the university. By talking to several stalkeholders, the team created a support base in the university to execute the plan for a Green Office. AGREEn created a plan for how the physical space could look like and how it could function. By working with the Radboud University on this facility for students, AGREEn believed that the Radboud University and the rest of Nijmegen would be more sustainable during the European Green Capital-year and after.  

Cycle 3 (September - December 2017)


As an insurance company, A.S.R. wants to ensure a sustainable future for their own company. But what is a sustainable insurance company according to the next generation? AGREEn did a research what students triggers to choose a more sustainable insurance company. Information was gathered from within A.S.R. and from a large group of students to solve the question. 


During this project AGREEn'ers supported the jury of Proeftuin with the selection process. As a lot of participants sent in similar ideas or ideas with a lot of overlap, the first step in this process was to cluster the ideas. Thereafter, the knowledge of AGREEn'ers was used to judge and score the clustered ideas on originality, innovativeness and whether this project would be capital intensive (and some more variables, but I can't recall all of them). This concept judgement was presented to the jury who used this report in their final decision making process of selecting the winners. The winners of the Proeftuin challenge were rewarded with the funds needed to execute the project. 

SSH& 1.0

SSH& is a student housing company in Nijmegen and they had the issue that in general, students do not behave very sustainable regarding their energy use. Therefore, SSH& wanted AGREEn to think about a way to reduce the energy usage of students. AGREEn came up with several sollutions. One of the solutions was to give students insight in their monthly energy use, which will make students more aware of their energy use. Another solution was to inform them monthly about their energy use and give tools to reduce their energy. They should also have a benefit of using less energy, for example in the form of getting their energy costs back. Another example of a solution was to give new residents a brochure and a small present like a LED light bulb to make students aware of how you can use less energy.  

Think AGREEn

Think AGREEn was focused on the question how to inform elementary school and high school students about climate change by making it more practical with several examples. AGREEn made powerpoints and presented these at a few school. At the time, it was election time. The AGREEn'ers asked the children what they wanted and the children asked at home if the parents voted for them, for their future. This is part of the '#KiesVoorOns'-campagn.

European Green Capital

How can we involve citizens in the EGC? We were assigned to one neighbourhood. First we wanted to figure out why the municipality wanted this. We found that the pillars  EGC should be supported by grassroot movements. Therefore we went into the neighbourhood and found that there are actually already a lot of movements happening. One street collectively installed sunpanels where the other street shared their tools. But they were both looking for the sollution the other street already invented. Therefore we advised the EGC to provide a data-driven platform. Where, the already sustainable citizens of Nijmegen, are in charge and can find copy the best practice of their neighbour.

Cycle 2 (February - June 2017)


Philips set a goal to improve the lives of milliards of people through their products. The branch of industry for healthcare is developing new electronic products that make it possible to have a good health care in combination with distance. These electronic forms of care providence, known as ‘e-health’, makes healthcare accessible and therefore also more sustainable. The main question of Phillips to AGREEn: What is the environmental impact of e-health? The project team of AGREEn did a comprehensive research on the current health care system and the possibilities for e-health. The group produced as an end product a matrix of all the available knowledge about additional and circumvented environmental impacts when e-health is being implemented. The matrix constituted the foundation for further quantitative research. 

Radboud University 2.0

The Radboud asked AGREEn to find what makes students more sustainable on the long run. To find this out we knew we had to come up with a plan that would not stop after one action. A plan that would really match the struggles and desires of students in terms of sustainability. Our survey among 230 students showed that over 70% of all students truly want to become more sustainable but do not feel empowered by a bigger group. We feel that AGREEn is a group that can empower students to  act upon sustainability in the long run. So we should expand our group and focus on local organisations and multinationals.

Liander 2.0

The Dutch utility company strives for a smooth transition from gas to green alternatives in neighbourhoods. 
In this project, it was the aim to find out what Liander can do to increase the willingness of people to contribute to the transition towards a society that is free from gas, and to help Liander comply to EU agreements on sustainable energy.  

Sustainability debate

The Sustainability Debate was organised on the University, right before the elections of the student councils, by a few organisations (AGREEn was one of the four). The first subject was ‘The Radboud should always offer their students and employees meat.’ It was followed with a ten minute pitch of Roel Hermans, behavioral scientist: psychology of eating behaviour. It was followed by a twenty minutes debate of the various parties. The second subject was ‘In every curriculum should be an obligated course about sustainability.’ The ten minute pitch was from the lecturer of the course ‘sustainable entrepreneurship’: Jan Jonker. Again followed with a debate of twenty minutes. The third and last subject was ‘The Radboud University should, as an educational institute, stimulate their students and employees to behave sustainable.’ Followed by a pitch of Carlo Buise, and a twenty minute debate of the various parties. 

Cycle 1 (September - December 2016)


KPN has been the co-founder of a new method of data exchange: LoRa (Long 
Range). With LoRa small amounts of data can be exchanged without much energy and without the requirement of an electrical connection. LoRa has many applications, especially in the field of Internet of Things. The technological innovation to apply LoRa is therefore already there (think of a clever trash in the city that indicates when it is full). KPN wanted help to identify the total value added of LoRa solutions to the end customer, especially in the quantifiable non-financial value. The project team focused on the application of SMART lighting. Interviews with stakeholders were conducted and a conclusion was drawn. 

Radboud University 1.0

AGREEn gives students from Nijmegen the chance to create an innovative and sustainable solution for issues of companies and the government. AGREEn combines the fresh and multidisciplinary view of students with the vigor of companies, non-governmental and governmental institutions. Nijmegen has been chosen as European Green Capital for the year 2018. The main question is: Which role will a student of Nijmegen have in the European Green Capital? As an end result, several suggestions have been made to help the Radboud University by connecting students to a Green Capital. 

Liander 1.0

Liander is a Dutch utility company that manages medium and low voltage electricity network and the high and low pressure gas network in a part of the Netherlands. They want to keep the electricity and gas network affordable without bothering the process of the energy network getting more sustainable. Because of this, Liander published an online connection calculator. The goal of the calculator is for customers with plans to become more sustainable a) to give insight in the costs of the private network and b) to offer an alternative for the weighting of the network (topping off). Liander wants to be involved in an earlier stage when their customers want to become more sustainable. The main question for AGREEn: ‘In what ways can Liander contribute to the social returns of network related sustainability plans of property owners with a medium sized consumption?’ To answer this question, stakeholders have been interviewed. As a result, 5 problems have been discovered. AGREEn has also found 5 solutions for these different problems, which contributed concretely to the improvement of the network-scan. 



It was election time during the awareness project Think AGREEn. AGREEn decided to ask the children what they would choose for their future. The '#KiesVoorOns'-campagn had a large reach.

Clothing swaps

AGREEn has organised many 'clothing swaps'. The idea behind clothing swaps is that you do not have to buy new clothes (a form of consumerism and stimulating the fast fashion industry), but instead you value what you have and swap it with others.

Clean Ups

AGREEn has also organised many 'clean ups' to pick up trash in and around the city of Nijmegen. 

Online Pubquiz

During the pandemic of Covid-19, AGREEn organised an online pubquiz on Earth Day and made the quiz and answers available to play at home afterwards.

Nature walks

During the autumn and winter of the pandemic, AGREEn organised nature walks around Nijmegen, to get some fresh air during a time of many moments inside.