AGREEn’ers work for several weeks every monday evening on their projects. For some projects, they do interviews apart from the monday evening. Next to the work, there are also fun times. AGREEn organized many events for their members. Examples are AGREEn at the Park in 2017 and the AGREEn Weekend in 2019 and 2021. Every cycle there is a Meet & Greet, which is the start of the cycle and an End Event where the results of the projects are presented. On this page, you can get a few impressions of how AGREEn evenings look.
AGREEn in 2024
- Introduction markets
- End Event cycle 16
- Board game nights
- Guest lectures
- Radboud Impact Festival
- Fashion upcycling workshop
- Hortus workshop
- AGREEn day
and more...
AGREEn in 2023
- Introduction markets
- End Event cycle 14&15
- Guest lectures
- Radboud Impact Festival
- Fashion upcycling workshop
- Verschilmakers pubquiz
- Plant pot painting at the pop-up forest
- AGREEn day
and more...
AGREEn in 2022
- Introduction markets
- End Events cycle 12 & 13
- Guest lectures
- Seminar at the Radboud Impact Festival
- Fashion Workshops
- Ooijpolder hike
- Plant pot painting
- Moodboard workshops
and more...
AGREEn in 2021
- Introduction market
- End Event cycle 10 & 11
- Climate Alarm (Nijmegen) & Climate March (Amsterdam)
- Recordings of the Sustainable Heroes series
- Biodiversity walk in Hortus
- Food forest tour & Pear harvesting at the Waalgaard
- Tiny Forest monitoring at the Radboud University
- AGREEn Weekend
and more...
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AGREEn in 2020
- End Event cycle 8 & 9
- Introduction market
- Working nights
- AGREEn walks
- AGREEn online pub quiz
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AGREEn in 2019
- Introduction Market
- Meet & Greet cycle 6 & 7
- Support Weekend
- Member Weekend cycle 7
- End event cycle 6 & 7
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AGREEn in 2018
- Meet & Greet cycle 4 & 5
- End event cycle 4 & 5
- Sustainability Seminar 1.0
- Drift Verdiept
- AGREEn at the Park
AGREEn in 2016 & 2017
- Pre Kick Off Event
- Kick Off Event cycle 1
- End Event cycle 1 & 2
- Meet & Greet cycle 2